Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Entry of Prince Frederick Henry in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (1629)

Same place

  • ’s-Hertogenbosch door Frederik Hendrik belegerd, 1629.
  • Frederik Hendrik voor ’s-Hertogenbosch, 1629.
  • Honouring the flag
  • H.M. King William II passes away (1849)
  • De Noormannen voor Dorestad.
  • Hugo de Groot at Loevestein (1621)
  • Charles the Simple confirms Dirk I as an Earl (922)
  • Franse troepen trekken over de Lek, 15 januari 1795.
  • Jacoba van Beieren vóór Gorinchem, 1 december 1417.
  • Willibrord, de Apostel der Friezen.

Same time

  • ’s-Hertogenbosch door Frederik Hendrik belegerd, 1629.
  • Frederik Hendrik voor ’s-Hertogenbosch, 1629.
  • Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden, praying before the Battle of Lützen 1632
  • Hugo de Groot at Loevestein (1621)
  • Een vergadering van de Nationele Synode te Dordrecht, 1619.
  • J. van Oldenbarneveld given notice of his death sentence (1619)
  • Battle of the Downs (1639)
  • The Dutch in front of Jacatra (1618)
  • Camp life. Period of the Thirty Years War
  • Christian IV på Trefoldigheden



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History of the native country


Regents and monarchs

Scene of action:



Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:




The Siege of ‘s-Hertogenbosch in 1629 was a large-scale counterattack of Prince Frederick Henry on the Spanish during the Eighty Years’ War. The siege lasted form April to half September. Eventually the town was taken over by Frederick Henry of Orange.