Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Arrival of H.M. William I at Scheveningen (1813)

Same place

  • Departure of William V (1795)
  • Aankomst van Willem I te Scheveningen, 1813.
  • Het Haagsche voorhout in de 17e eeuw.
  • Sprooksprekers in de Ridderzaal, 1394
  • Death of the brothers De Witt (1672)
  • De grote vergadering te 's-Gravenhage, 1651.
  • Meeting between Prince Maurice and Spinola (1608)
  • J. van Oldenbarneveld given notice of his death sentence (1619)
  • Treaty of Ryswick (arrival of representatives at Huis Nieuwburg) (1697)
  • Death of Frederick Henry (1647)

Same time

  • The battle of the Nations. Storming of the Grimma gate in the evening of the 19th of October 1813
  • Aankomst van Willem I te Scheveningen, 1813.
  • Koning Willem I.
  • Brand van Moskou, 1812.
  • Hollandsche infanterie bij de bruggen over de Berezina, 1812.
  • Battle of Waterloo (1815)
  • De prins van Oranje aan het hoofd van de Nationale Militie bij Quatre-Bras, 16 juni 1815.
  • Bombardment of Algiers (1816)
  • Louis Napoleon at the ruin of Leyden (1807)
  • Napoleon and Queen Louise in Tilsit (July 1807)


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History of the native country


Civilians and steam engines

Scene of action:



Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.; A.A. Nunnink, lith.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:



Nationalism    European history   

William Frederick, son to William V, was asked to return to his native country. In 1813 he was greeted enthusiastically in Scheveningen. At the Congress of Vienna in 1815 it was decided to merge the northern and southern Netherlands as to form a buffer against the French urge to expand. William Frederick was appointed king of the new kingdom and he names himself King William I.