Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Treaty of Ryswick (arrival of representatives at Huis Nieuwburg) (1697)

Same place

  • J. van Oldenbarneveld given notice of his death sentence (1619)
  • Meeting between Prince Maurice and Spinola (1608)
  • Death of Frederick Henry (1647)
  • De grote vergadering te 's-Gravenhage, 1651.
  • Death of the brothers De Witt (1672)
  • Sprooksprekers in de Ridderzaal, 1394
  • Het Haagsche voorhout in de 17e eeuw.
  • Prince William I shot by Balthasar Gerards (1584)
  • Delft surrenders with a treaty to Albrecht of Bayern (1359)
  • Arrival of H.M. William I at Scheveningen (1813)

Same time

  • Det ostindiske Kompagni. (Sveerige)
  • King William III falls of his horse (1702)
  • Landing of William III in Torbay (1688)
  • Landing van Prins Willem III bij Brixham, 1688.
  • Prince John William Friso drowns at Hollands Diep (1711)
  • Koning - stadhouder Willem III.
  • Death of Lt.Adm. M.A. de Ruyter (tomb in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam)
  • Aan de Hollandse waterlinie, 1672.
  • Death of the brothers De Witt (1672)


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History of the native country


Regents and monarchs

Scene of action:



Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:



European history   

On September 20th 1697 the Treaty of Ryswick was signed between the Alliance of Augsburg (consisting of the German Holy Roman Empire, England, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, the Dutch Republic and the Duchy of Savoy) on one side and the French on the other. This treaty settled the Nine Year’s War.