Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Prince John William Friso drowns at Hollands Diep (1711)

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History of the native country


Wigs and revolutions

Scene of action:

the Hollands Diep from Moerdijk to Strijense Sas


Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:



European history   

On July 14th 1711 the 24 year old Prince John William Friso died by drowning. On his way to The Hague to settle a disagreement with the Prussian king on the inheritance of William III. In turbulent weather the prince had himself taken across the Hollands Diep from Moerdijk to Strijense Sas. His coach got swept overboard and consequently the prince drowned.