Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Peace of Münster (1648)

Same place

  • Arminius the Chersuci. Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
  • Nordic Thing in the Middle Age
  • Germany destroyed – Cologne 1945
  • Hunebedbouwers
  • Claudius Civilis and Cerealis (70 AD)
  • The arrival of the Batavians in the Netherlands (100 years BC)
  • Ludger predikt in de Groninger Gouwen, 785
  • Aan het hof van Karel den Grooten
  • De Romeinen in ons land
  • De Hanzestad Kampen, 1441.

Same time

  • Germany after the Thirty Years War
  • Death of Frederick Henry (1647)
  • Lifestyle around 1650
  • Arrival of representatives for Amsterdam at the Welna manor  (1650)
  • De grote vergadering te 's-Gravenhage, 1651.
  • Christian IV på Trefoldigheden
  • Jan van Galen injured at Leghorn (1653)
  • Battle of the Downs (1639)
  • Den hollandske Flådes Ankomst på København Red 1658
  • Self-sacrifice of Hambroek (1662)



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History of the native country


Regents and monarchs

Scene of action:



Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:



War    European history   

The Peace of Münster marked the end of the Eighty Year’s War between the Netherlands and Spain. The king of Spain acknowledged the United Netherlands as free and sovereign countries.