Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

Jan van Galen injured at Leghorn (1653)

Same place

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  • Rütli
  • Renaissance: Town hall of Lucerne
  • Kappeler Milchsuppe (Milk-soup of Kappel)
  • Federal Assembly 1848
  • Neuenegg (1798)

Same time

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  • Lifestyle around 1650
  • Arrival of representatives for Amsterdam at the Welna manor  (1650)
  • Germany after the Thirty Years War
  • Den hollandske Flådes Ankomst på København Red 1658
  • Peace of Münster (1648)
  • Death of Frederick Henry (1647)
  • Self-sacrifice of Hambroek (1662)
  • Christian IV på Trefoldigheden
  • Binnenkomende vloot vóór Amsterdam omstreeks 1665.


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Schoolplaten voor de vaderlandse geschiedenis


Regents and monarchs

Scene of action:

Leghorn (Livorno in Italian)


Eichman, J.H. en Altmann, H.


L. de Fouw, Goes

Year of publication:



Trade    War    European history   

At the outbreak of the First Anglo-Dutch War in 1652, Jan van Galen was appointed Commodore of the Dutch fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. At Leghorn (Livorno in Italian) the Dutch fleet entered into battle with the English fleet. On March 14th 1653, during the Battle of Leghorn, Jan van Galen was fatally wounded and eventually died.