Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

In St. Paul's Church 1848

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Der Neue Schulmann


Langes 19. Jahrhundert

Scene of action:



Grazioli, E.


Der Neue Schulmann, Stuttgart

Year of publication:



Nationalism    European history   

The picture shows the delegates of the Frankfurt Parliament in St. Paul’s Church (1848). The deputies had been elected during the German-Austrian March Revolution in order to achieve the demanded changes. In front of the speaker’s desk the first president of the Parliament is depicted: Heinrich von Gagern (1799-1880). He’s in deep conversation with a further delegate. Among the visitors in the loge on the right side of the dais you can also see women. The 812 delegates of the Frankfurt Parliament created a new German government, developed and passed a catalogue of fundamental rights. With this first democratic all-German Parliament also the first parliamentary groups were established.