Wall charts, history and European Identity

EU Culture Programme; Education and Culture DG

German plantations at Mount Cameroon

(10 ratings) 5,121 views


Der praktische Schulmann


Langes 19. Jahrhundert

Scene of action:



Planck, W.


Der praktische Schulmann, Keller und Nehmann, Stuttgart

Year of publication:



European history   

The picture shows an oil palm plantation, a banana cultivation and rubber collection near Mount Cameroon. Native people pick the bananas when they’re still green put them in a small wagon and push their harvest to the steamer, called “Palime”. Behind the plantation a European stone house with arcades is depicted and in the background you can see the highest mountain of Western Africa, Mount Cameroon. In the year 1868 the Hamburg trading company Woermann opened its first commercial settlements at the Wouri-mouth in Cameroon. Since 1884 after the protection contracts with the kings of the Duala the land had been a German colony – until the year 1919 and the treaty of Versailles.