The Congress

Congress Venue

Residence Palace
97070 Würzburg

Congress Registration Counter

All congress materials and documentation will be available from the congress registration counter located at the entrance of the Toskana Saal in the Residence palace.
Opening hours:

Thursday 2 April 2009 09.00-18.00 h
Friday 3 April 2009 09.30-16.00 h

Congress language

The congress language is English. Simultaneous translations will not be provided.

Hotel accommodation

We highly recommend making hotel reservations as early as possible as Würzburg attracts a lot of tourists in springtime.

You can book your hotel in german by clicking here. In english, click here or you can send an e-mail
or fax 0049 (0)931/373652.
The phone number of the Würzburg hotel booking office is 0049 (0)931/372371.

Coffee breaks, lunch and congress dinner

During the congress coffee and tea will be offered at the entrance, in the morning and in the afternoon, and a lunch menu will be served. The costs will have to be paid in advance.
The Residenzgaststätten offer a dinner party (congress dinner) at the 2. April: wine guidance, wine tasting and dinner in the cellar.
The congress participants will have to apply additionally for the congress dinner.

Travel to Würzburg

Train: every day, Würzburg is served by more than 70 high-speed passenger trains.

Air: the airports Frankfurt and Nürnberg are about 1 h. by train from Würzburg

Car: Würzburg is located near the intersections of several major highways: the Autobahn A3 from Cologne via Würzburg to München, the Autobahn A7 from Hannover via Würzburg to Ulm, and the Autobahn A81 from Stuttgart via Würzburg to Heilbronn.

Within Würzburg the Residence Palace is easy accessible by public transportation and a short walk.